ANZA’s Homemade Bread Recipe

Experience ANZA at home, with our freshly homemade bread!


675g Whole wheat flour

675 Flour

900ml water

24g Dry yeast

20g salt

15g sugar

20g molasses


  1. Beat with a hook all the solid ingredients (except the yeast) together with the liquid’s ones, until you achieve a porridge like texture.
  2. Add the yeast and beat extra hard for 1 minute.
  3. Let the dough to rest with in a warm place with a cling film on top for 1-hour.
  4. Beat the dough again with a hook for 1 minute and then divide it into two smaller molds.
  5. Cover for an additional hour with cling film in a warm place and afterwards carve and shape the dough with a wet sharp knife (use a bit of flour for a more even result).
  6. Bake at 220 for 25 to 35 minutes and rest on a grill for an additional 30 minutes